
This section includes a collection of my best projects:


Sustindustry Manifesto

This crisis has given us the opportunity to reflect on the resilience of systems that we believed to be well rooted in our ecosystem and our industrial reality. Something was not working and now we have the opportunity to start again stronger than before.Sustainability must no longer be a choice, but a necessity. This is an opportunity to make the transition to a Sustindustry.

In this Manifesto we have encapsulated the founding principles of Sustindustry, along with the motivation for its existence.


#EUvsVirus Hackaton

In the fight against COVID-19, the European Union organized a hackaton on 24,25 and 26 of April 2020 with the goal of developing solutions for the emergency situation.

With 25,000 people (online) and more than 2,000 ideas developed it has beenone of the Hackatons with the largest number of participants in history.

I had the pleasure of participating in this beautiful charity initiative as a Skill-Mentor for projects: I supported 13 teams, on specific issues concerning business development.

Green Papers - HBI

HBI, an innovative start-up I had the opportunity to know within the Climate-KIC’s project, wrote “Green Papers Vol. 1”, a collection of texts and tools to effectively represent, create or validate the sustainability of a business model.          

I contributed with a green paper entitled “La creazione di valore nel cleantech” (“Creating Value in the Cleantech Industry”).


Innovation Manager - MISE

In November 2019, I was certified as a qualified Innovation Manager and joined the MISE professional register.  An Innovation Manager’s goal is to mentor companies during the phase of technological acceleration, to drive change and enhance their level of competitiveness.         

I am specialized in guiding corporate customers and in supporting all the modernizing processes related to management and organizational structures, including access to financial and capital markets.

Startup Down

My first book, co-written by Nicola Manca, is the story of how an entrepreneurial initiative named “Handsapp” happily failed. I carried out the project with former start-upper Marco Tittarelli.

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Radio X

With Stefano Gregorini, I co-hosted a radio program about enterprises, local territory and innovation. It aired on Radio X from 2016 to 2018.



From 2014 to 2017, I held the positions of Councillor and Secretary of the trade union Young Accountants in Cagliari. Since 2017, I have been its Vice President. UGDCEC helps young professionals by organizing training and networking activities, and by promoting agreements.


Certified National Evaluator for Public Administrations

The OIV, the Independent Performance Evaluation Body, is an entity appointed by Public Administrations to monitor their overall performance systems.          In February 2017, I enrolled into the national list of the OIV – Department of Public Administration. As a member of the OIV – Evaluation Committee, I have worked for the Municipality of Selargius since 2012 and for the Municipality of Carbonia since 2017. From November 2018 to June 2019, I also worked for the Municipality of Quartu Sant’Elena.


Climate Launchpad

The annual international competition for green entrepreneurial projects. In 2018, I coached the ten finalist Italian start-ups for the national competition. Only three start-ups per country go to the international finals. Program developed by Climate-KIC.



Greenhouse, developed by Climate-KIC, is a preincubation program for Cleantech start-ups. In 2018, together with Andrea Laddomada, I coached five teams to develop their business models and create a useful value proposition to end-clients.


Diary of an Economic Crisis Survivor

Between 2014 and 2015, I wrote my first blog, both in English and in Italian. It tells the story of a start-up during the economic crisis in Italy.


Seminare per l’accessibilità (Sowing for Accessibility)

This poster only shows the final event in April, related to a fantastic training project I carried out in 2019 together with IERFOP. The main topics were business creation and sales channels.

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Sardinian Job Day 2016 - 2018: Business Game & Workshop

During the editions 2016 and 2018 of Sardinian Job Day, I had the pleasure to host and participate in different workshops on the creation and development of companies and start-ups. Together with Andrea Laddomada, I also organized Business Game sessions for high-school students, introducing them to the business world thanks to concrete simulations of the daily development of a company.

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Città Dinamica (Dynamic City)

In October 2016, I participated as a speaker in the seminar “Politiche e strumenti per governare il futuro di città e territori” (“Politics and Instruments to Shape the Future of Cities and Territories”), organized by Chiara Garau, Professor of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Cagliari.


Speech on Performance Improvement Systems in Public Administrations

On March 22, 2013, I had the pleasure to give a speech entitled “Una nuova proposta di configurazione del Sistema delle Performance degli Enti Locali: come migliorare la Programmazione, la Gestione, il Controllo & la Comunicazione della Performance nelle Pubbliche Amministrazioni Italiane” (“A New Proposal for the Configuration of Local Authorities’ Performance Systems: How to Improve Planning, Management, Control and Performance Communication in Italian Public Administrations”). The conference “I Controlli interni rafforzati nell'ottica del Miglioramento delle Performance Pubbliche” (“Tighter Internal Controls with a View to Improving Public Performance”) took place in Cagliari.

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In 2012, Andrea Laddomada and I created a small research and development lab to analyze start-ups, business planning and pitching, budget analysis, cash flow, and business development.

My first experiences (and obstacles to overcome) in the business world.


Social Media Week - Rome

In September 2014, I gave a speech on growth strategies and Social Networks – “Le Coccole di Amelia”, a case study.

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Articolo IPSOA

Co-written by Antonella Porcu in April 2017, the article was published on the specialized journal OPSOA-Azienditalia on the subject of independent evaluation bodies as sources of performance improvement in municipalities.

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The third entrepreneurial project carried out with Marco Tittarelli between 2016 and 2017 in the Marche region. In the picture, the character (Gnapp) that had a fundamental role in gaining university clients.

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Come affronto la fantomatica Crisi Economica (How to Deal with the Phantom Economic Crisis)        

I gave a speech and chaired a roundtable on the most appropriate strategies to deal with the economic crisis. Organized in collaboration with Compagnia delle Opere Sardegna in May 2015.



Second blog of my career.

Developed on Tumblr in 2015, it is a collection of tips, charts and ideas for entrepreneurs of all ages.


Master’s Degree

I discussed my Master’s thesis in October 2011 at the Faculty of Economics, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, supervised by Professor Carlo Brugnoli. It marked the end of my Master’s Degree Course in “General Management and Consulting – Specialization in General Management”. The thesis, entitled “Le strategie di successo nelle PMI italiane – Il caso Lorelei” (“Successful strategies in Italian SMEs – “Lorelei”, a case study”), deals with corporate strategy and start-ups (which did not even exist at that time), based on the case history of Lorelei, a start-up incubated at ART-ER.


Bachelor’s Degree

I discussed my Bachelor’s thesis in October 2009 at the Faculty of Economics, University of Cagliari, supervised by Professor Dante Zaru. It marked the end of my Bachelor’s Degree Course in “Economics and Business Management”. The thesis, entitled “Il middle management e l’innovazione - Il caso Finmeccanica” (“Middle Management and Innovation – “Finmeccanica”, a case study”) deals with organization and business strategy, and features an interview with one of Finmeccanica’s middle managers.